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'IFAC is the acronym for INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ART AND CONSTRUCTION, an initiative originally born in Spain five years ago, that has since developed annually in different places in Spain (2012, 2013, 2014, 2016) and Holland (2015).
Every year, architects, designers, creators and craftsmen, researchers and students from all over the world gather to explore together contemporarity in rural environments. This nomad festival, sparkly and reflexive, develops during 10 days full of workshops, speeches, installations, music, food and party and aims to ask questions and explore answers to contemporary problems.
'4 steps from Balance' Workshop

As a participant on '4 steps from Balance' Workshop in International Festival of Art and Construction 2015 in Bergen, Netherlands.
''4 steps from Balance is a place to rest, to reconnect with nature. It's a
raised wooden cradle to take care of a young oak that will grow through it.
It has been built inside IFAC 2015 an International Festival of Art and Construction with a team of young students coming from Basque Country, Lebanon, Macedonian, France, Turkey, and Egypt. It's made of larch and oak wood coming from a local saw windmill. A cradle born on site, through a partecipatory design and building process, involving the local community, the Ecodorp ecovillage.''





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